You could win big for driving safely!
Aapex Driving Academy takes pride in providing the premier driver education program in the market and always strives to ensure our students are safe and successful for years to come. To take our pledge to ongoing safety even further, we've partnered with the app TrypScore to bring rewards to our Aapex families.
TrypScore is a free app that rewards you for safe driving with gift cards, discounts, and exclusive access to contests!
Aapex is excited to participate in the Ontario launch of TrypScore. We would like to invite you to be one of the first 25,000 users to reserve their username and install the app before it is launched nationwide. Once your username is secured you will start accumulating daily entries into the Drive Free for a Year contest. The winner of this exciting contest will receive a monthly cash prize covering your car payments, insurance, and gasoline for a full year (Terms and Conditions apply).
For more information or to reserve your username today head to the App Store or Google Play Store to get started!

Contests and rewards!
Aapex families have access to these amazing contests and rewards before the general Canadian population.
Here's a sneak peek of a few contests and rewards currently being offered!

How trypscore works
Drive Safe
Drive as you usually do, no hardware required!
Receive a Score
Receive a score each time you drive! Driving safely allows you to earn rewards!
Earn & Collect Pyns
Earn Pyns for driving safely by your favourite brands and special safety zones across your city!
Participate in a variety of challenges to earn rewards!
Exclusive Rewards
Earn rewards and gain access to exclusive contests!
Add Friends
Add friends to compete against!