You may have been driving for many years and take great pride in your safety record, but as you age, it is critical that you realize your driving abilities can change. To continue to drive safely, you need to recognize when these changes happen and modify your driving strategies to compensate when they do. Aapex Driving Academy is here to help you. We are a team of professionally trained instructors who can show you how to modify your driving style. Our techniques will help you identify and strengthen your weak areas and prepare you for the next phase of your driving career.
Senior Refresher Package
- One hour seminar (offered monthly at St. Catharines office) Understanding the effects aging has on driving
- One hour Assessment of Driving Skills: a written report will be issued outlining strategies and recommendations for modifications
Call to Reserve!
Understanding the effects aging has on driving skills:
Issue:Pain and stiffness in your neck can make it harder to look over your shoulder when changing lanes or to scan left and right when crossing intersections.
Modification: Aapex will show you how to scan earlier at these danger points so that you may use a blocker technique (other vehicles can protect you). We will show you how to minimize the need to do so many lane changes and how to preplan when lane changing is necessary. Using your mirrors effectively and efficiently cannot be stressed enough.
Issue:Leg pain or body aches can make it difficult to move your foot from the gas to the brake. Overall physical condition can affect the speed in which you respond.
Modification: Slower reaction times are a big concern for obvious reasons. The answer is simple… early detection and more effective observation and planning. Aapex will show you where to look, what you are looking for, what do you do when you see it, but most important… how to minimize your risk on the road.
Issue:Slower recognition of dangerous situation is a key factor in many of the crashes that involve seniors. Drivers are slower at spotting vehicles from side streets and driveways, or to realize that the vehicle ahead of you has slowed down or stopped.
Modification: Space is a key factor in keeping you safe and informed. Aapex Instructors will show you how to manipulate the space around your vehicle giving you maximum benefits all the while keeping up with the flow of traffic. You will learn how to take control over the environment surrounding your car.
Issue:Keeping track of so many road signs, signals and markings, as well as all the other traffic and pedestrians can also become more difficult as you lose the ability to effectively divide your attention between multiple activities.
Modification: Education is key. Not all changes in your driving strategies have to be because of aging. It is important to recognize that our traffic system has become ever more complicated and difficult to understand. Many of our drivers today have never had formal training on these modern systems. Signs, road markings, center left turn lanes and traffic circles may all seem a bit overwhelming. The team at Aapex Driving Academy is here to help you navigate these new traffic control methods so you can get your confidence back.
Just remember that it is normal for our driving abilities to change as we age. The goal is to recognize our limitations and reduce the risk by incorporating safe driving practices.
That may mean something as simple as modifying when and where you travel to giving up the keys – but by no means should it mean the loss of your independence. Alternative methods of transportation should be welcomed and embraced because of the health and social benefit sit can offer.
Aapex Driving Academy offers you peace of mind with a full driving evaluation to determine your skill level. Armed with the proper information and tools, you will feel confdent that you are making the right choices for your driving career.